About Our Work

Seed Collaborative utilizes a two-step process designed to be inclusive and consensus-driven entailing assessment and facilitation.
Seed conducts a due diligence process to assess a client’s current environment. The due diligence process may include individual interviews, targeted focus group sessions, surveys, and document review.
Seed consultants are experienced listeners with the ability to identify organizational challenges and opportunities, and bring principles of confidentiality, empathy, and respect to the due diligence process.
Facilitation is group process work. It involves creating an inclusive group so that diverse voices and thoughts are present and is centered on consensus decision-making. Seed’s facilitation process is constructed to ensure buy-in and ownership of the process and outcomes, build trust among the participants, and grounded in shared power and authority. This approach models processes and practices that build relationships which clients can carry forward adding to their organizational development strategies and increasing likelihood of lasting cultural change.